Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

Coast to Coast AM deals with UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death, and other unexplained phenomena.Full Bio


This Week's Weird News 2/17/23

The saga of unidentified objects shot down over North America, a bizarre creature known as a manananggal, and a bus driver's possible encounter with a ghost passenger were among the strange and unusual stories to cross our desk this past week.

The biggest story of the week in the world of weird undoubtedly centered around the three unidentified flying objects that were shot down by U.S. fighter jets. Unfolding over the course of several days, the strange mystery captivated the public, raised concerns about Chinese spying, and sparked speculation that perhaps the UFOs were alien in nature. That particular theory was seemingly put to rest when the government indicated that the objects were likely just harmless balloons. Be that as it may, the matter of how to deal with such UFOs proved to be serious enough that the White House formed a new task force to look into the issue and, by the end of the week, President Biden even addressed the nation about the events of the previous few days.

Photo: Getty Images

A particularly unique potential ghost video popped up in the news this past week by way of Singapore, where a bus driver was seemingly rattled by a spirit that wouldn't leave the vehicle. The eerie footage, filmed as the encounter unfolded, saw the man notice that his security monitor showed what appeared to be a dark figure sitting in a seat on the second level of the bus, despite also registering a passenger count of zero. When the bewildered witness went to investigate the situation, there was no one to be found and he proceeded to berate what he suspected to be a ghost playing tricks on him.

Photo: Public Domain

One of the odder creatures that we've come across in quite some time made headlines in the Philippines this past week when a pair of girls claimed to have spotted a mythical entity known as a manananggal, a menacing bat-like being that is said to be able to split its body at the torso. The unsettling sighting was apparently so traumatic that the two young women wound up receiving counseling following their experience and soon a full-fledged panic had broken out in their community. The widespread fear became so significant that police were eventually forced to hold a press conference where they pledged to investigate the girls' account and pleaded with residents to stop spreading rumors of a manananggal being in their midst.

For more weird and wondrous stories from the past week, check out the Coast to Coast AM website.

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